Accreditation & Qualifications
Information Services
Getting a job is the most important for most newcomers. The Accreditation and Qualification Information Services (AQIS) program supports newcomers in the process of having their international education, skills, and professional experiences recognized by Canadian employers. AQIS is an information and career pathway planning service that advises Internationally Trained Professionals and Trades People on professional certification/ license requirements and application procedures, alternative career options, training and skills upgrading programs, credential assessment, local work experiences, etc.
Newcomers can request individual meetings with an expert to learn the processes for how to get their credentials recognized. If accreditation is not needed for a job, he/she will be guided on pathways to related alternative occupations and skills upgrading.
After each one-on-one meeting, a customized career action plan with detailed information, resources, and steps will be created and sent to clients. Sector-specific events and portfolio workshops are held and delivered by the AQIS team throughout the year. For more information or to book appointments, please email: accreditation@nullwelcomecentre.ca, or call: 1-289-841-3085